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The Bee's Bakery Bundle

The Bee's Bakery Bundle

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Look Inside Chapter 1

“I’m telling you, Bee,” I said, my heart thrumming against my throat, “it’s gone.” 

“Gone?” Her voice whipped through the phone, commanding and straight to the point as ever. Our move from the traveling food truck that had been our home away from home to Mystery, Maine, and a brick and mortar bakery, had changed our lives forever. 

But not Bee’s personality. She was just as boisterous, in control, and blunt. A constant that I needed when life got complicated. 

“Ruby? Are you there? What do you mean, it’s gone? Have you told Jamie about this?” 

“I—Not yet. It was there this morning.” I pressed my thumb to the inside of my ring finger, staring at the closed glass front door of the bakery. “I must have dropped it somewhere. But I’m not sure where? I’m trying to retrace my steps but—” 

“Don’t panic, Rubes,” Bee said briskly. “Whatever happens, you’ll handle it. Make sure you check under the counter. And maybe between the cakes on display? I’ll be back from the bank in fifteen minutes. I’ll help you find it.” 

“Thanks, Bee.” 

“What are friends for?” And then she hung up, and I was alone in our fabulous bakery without my engagement ring. 

It was the weirdest thing, but over the past week, it had gone missing about five times. It was a brand new ring that Jamie had bought from the jewelry store right next door to the bakery. And when I’d tried it on, it had fit perfectly. So why did it keep falling off? 

Heavens, it wasn’t like I’d been dipping my fingers in butter or something. Bee did all the baking, and I managed the front of house in our new bakery. 

My mood lifted at the thought. 

We had moved to the quaint, seaside town of Mystery, Maine, over two months ago and opened our bakery, Bee’s Bakery, soon after. What was the sense in waiting? Bee had always wanted a little place of her own, and I needed the distraction from the wedding planning. And the self-doubt. 

Moving to a new town and settling down had been challenging for me. And I couldn’t help but second-guess every decision I made, whether it was to do with the bakery or the wedding. 

“I should get hold of Moira,” I muttered under my breath. Moira was my wedding planner—she’d been a great help in relieving the stress of finding everything myself. And with Jamie looking for work—

“Were you talking to yourself?” A throaty voice, deep as a donut hole, drifted across the room. 

The bakery had just opened, and we’d had about two customers so far this morning—the steady flow of townsfolk in search of baked goods and delicious sweet treats would start soon enough. 

A man stood just inside the glass front door. He wore a crooked smile that matched the fit of his clothing. A thatch of curly hair sat tight against his scalp, and he took a tentative step toward me, giving the impression of a turtle sticking its head out of its shell. 

“Hello,” I said, putting up my most welcoming smile, though he had the strangest manner. “How are you?” 

“On the list of cardinal sins, gluttony should be nearer the top,” he said, stopping after another higgledy-piggledy step, slow-footed, sure, and entirely disconcerting. 

Don’t be mean, Ruby. You don’t know this man. Sure, he seems creepy but that might be because it’s fall. Halloween’s around the corner. 

He was both withdrawn and too tall for the interior of the bakery. His presence didn’t quite gel with the honeycomb decorations, the mural of bees and honey on the wall, the golden-walnut flooring, or the merry yellow booth chairs. Our interior decorator—Bee—had taken the theme “Bee’s Bakery” quite literally. The bakery was decorated in golds, creams, yellows, and rich earthy colors. 

A silence drifted between us. The morning rush in the bakery would start soon, but, for now, it was just him and me in here and our assistant chef, Leslie, in the kitchen. 

“My name’s Ruby,” I said, blowing past the odd comment. “And you are?” 

“Gluttony,” he continued, “is a sin. But I s’pose you get that a lot.” 

He had a faint Northeastern accent, but it was mixed with something else I couldn’t place. 

“Are you interested in a coffee?” I asked. “Or a donut? We’ve got a brilliant new flavor that—” 

He sidled forward and stopped in front of the counter. I fiddled with my empty ring finger, trying not to draw back from his presence. This town had plenty of interesting inhabitants, but they were mostly friendly and welcoming, though many of the folks we’d met had an enigmatic quality about them. Maybe that was why they’d chosen to live in Mystery in the first place. 

“Do you know what else is a sin?” he asked, shrewdly, keeping my gaze. He was much taller up close. 


“Theft.” He opened his palm and held it out. 

My ring sat against his skin. 

“That’s mine,” I said, reaching for it. “Where did you find it?” The strange man allowed me to pluck it from his palm, and I hurriedly slid it into place on my ring finger with a grateful sigh. “Thank you.” 

“You should be more careful with your things.” 

“How did you know it was mine?” If the past few years had taught me anything it was that an inquisitive mind was always rewarded. Gosh, where had this guy come from? And why was he talking about sins and—? 

“I heard you talking on the phone.” He lifted his thumb and pinky finger to his ear. “And the ring was on the sidewalk out front.” 

“Thank you so much. I’ve been looking for it everywhere.” 

“Except the sidewalk out front,” he replied. 

I opened my mouth, summoning up an equally snarky retort, but the kitchen door swung open and Leslie emerged from within, her dark hair threatening to escape from under her chef’s hat. “Ruby,” she said. “The bread dough for the bread pudding.” 

“What about it?” Silent dread descended on me. The darn bread dough always flopped when Bee was out of the bakery. It was the one thing I was terrible at fixing. 

“It’s happened again. I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” Leslie said, “but I can’t get it right. It’s like I’m cursed.” She lifted her fingers and twiddled them at me. “Can you help me, please?” 

“Sure,” I said, “I’ll be right in. I’m just with a customer.” 

Leslie’s dark forehead wrinkled. “Customer?” 

“Yeah, he was about to order—” I turned, gesturing to the stranger and found the interior of the bakery was completely empty. “What on earth? I swear, he was just here. He gave me my ring.” I lifted my finger, showing off the ring. “And he was talking about gluttony and—” 

Leslie shut one eye and widened the other, giving me a look. “I might not be the only one who’s cursed.” 

“Very funny,” I said. 

Leslie had been working with us for a month—she was a qualified but inexperienced pastry chef, kind, funny, and often sarcastic, she had quickly become our friend. “Seriously, though. The bread dough?” 

“Where is bread pudding from, anyway?” I asked. 

“The United Kingdom, I think.” Leslie massaged the air with her fingers. “Help.” 

“Coming, coming.” I spared a glance for the bakery interior, scanning the empty tables, the closed front door, and the sunny street outside. Where had the man come from? 

And more importantly, where had he gone?

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What do donuts, a jewelry store, and a wedding have in common? Murder…

Bakers Ruby and Bee have settled into their new town, Mystery, Maine, where the lobster rolls are fresh, and the locals are friendly. They’re excited for what’s to come—running their new bakery, a serving of delicious donuts, and Ruby’s impending nuptials to her handsome fiancé.

Until disaster strikes.

The manager of the jewelry store is murdered.

His body is found inside the new bakery, Ruby’s engagement ring clutched in his cold hand.

With no other suspects or clues, the welcome in Mystery goes from warm to icy, especially when the bulldog of a detective in town takes a dislike to the girls. It’s up to Ruby and Bee to solve the case before the wedding!

Continue reading if you enjoy: 

  • Cozy small towns
  • Stories with pets and food
  • Laugh out loud humor
  • ZERO profanity and gratuitous scenes 

"I love these characters and especially enjoyed the twist in the end." ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader 

"I love their transformation from running a truck and staying in B&Be to opening a bakery and have a permanent home." ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader 

"I really enjoyed it! I love that Rudy and Bee's continues. I can't wait to read the next book in the series." ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader 

Included in the Bundle: 

  • Death and Donuts
  • Death by Cookie Dough
  • Devil's Food Cake and Death

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